Two women are in a meeting, the girl with the curly hair is behind a desk and on top of it is a laptop computer. They are smiling and they are dressed in casual outfits.


The "Micro"
Janel Yessian Janel Yessian

The "Micro"

It’s my 30th wedding anniversary today 💕 , and in honor of my awesome hubby Don Haugh, I am going to let you in on a little secret to relationship building that he introduced me to…it’s called “the micro”…..

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Reflections during Asian American and Pacific Islander Month
Guest User Guest User

Reflections during Asian American and Pacific Islander Month

Flashback 20 years ago, around this time, I was on an international flight heading to Bangkok, Thailand with my husband, then four-year-old son, infant daughter, and our miniature schnauzer Bailey under the airplane seat. This was not a trip that I had ever expected nor wanted to make, but a few months earlier my husband broached the topic of moving overseas.

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Leaders, let's do better, together.
Guest User Guest User

Leaders, let's do better, together.

Exploring the topic of gender equity in honor of International Women's Day. To me, International Women’s Day has always been about honoring the amazing women who have made contributions to the world, in both small and big ways.

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